French Cheese

French cheese like Roquefort and Brie are still made using traditional methods. In many parts of France, regional techniques are passed on through the generations.

France is home to a very large variety of cheese types. An estimate of this number is maybe 400+.

Under the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union, certain well-established cheeses, including many cheeses from France, are covered by a Protected Designation of Origin.

Cheese is a solid food made from the milk of cows, goats, sheep and other mammals, by coagulating the milk, originating in the European cuisine.

There are hundreds of types of cheese produced all over the world. Different styles and flavours of cheese are the result of using milk from various mammals or with different butterfat contents, employing particular species of bacteria and molds, and varying the length of aging and other processing treatments.

Other factors include animal diet and the addition of flavouring agents such as herbs, spices, or wood smoke. Whether the milk is pasteurized may also affect the flavour. The yellow to red coloring of many cheeses is a result of adding annatto. Cheeses are eaten both on their own and cooked as part of various dishes; most cheeses melt when heated.

History of Cheese
Find out where cheese originated from, and how long it's been in circulation for.

Roquefort Cheese is made from ewe's-milk and comes from the south of France. ie Roquefort-sur-Soulzon. Roquefort is rated as one of the world's greatest blue cheeses.

Brie Cheese is perhaps one of the most famous of the 400+ French cheese's in France. The original 'Brie' and 'Brie-de-Meaux' come from the smallest french province of France, Ile de France.